Health Benefits to Living in Marbella Sunshine.
How life is better in Marbella. Did you know that moving to sunny Marbella in southern Spain is one of the most beneficial moves you will ever make for your health?
Sun vs Health benefits.
What more could one possibly ask for? Scientists suggest that living in a sunny part of the world may be very beneficial for your health and in more ways than one. Here are ten huge health benefits of living in sunny Costa del Sol in Spain you should know about.
The sun strengthens the immune system.
White blood cells increase during sun exposure. They play an important role in fighting diseases and protecting your body against infections. Certain diseases like psoriasis are treated with sunlight. Regular sunshine in your life builds a stronger immune system to help you stay healthy. The sun helps children grow healthier.
Sun heals some skin disorders.
Whilst we tend to think of the sun as a skin cancer accelerator, it seems that sunlight promotes healing of skin disorders, such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, jaundice and other fungal skin infections. A study that lasted 4 weeks, where subjects had to sunbath daily for a few hours proved that exposure to the sun has a therapeutic effect on the skin and sunlight has been successfully used to treat skin disorders.
The sun reduces the risk of some kind of cancer.
A Vitamin D deficiency increases your risk of cancer, especially breast and colon cancer. The sun is an excellent source of vitamin D which can help protect you from some cancers. It seems even breast cancer can go into remission with a good mix of a healthy diet and exposure to sunshine.
Drs. Frank and Cedric Garland from the University of California observed that the incidence of colon cancer was nearly three times higher in New York than in New Mexico. They believe it comes from natural exposure to sunshine people experience daily in New Mexico compared to New York, which provides them with a regular source of vitamin D.
The sun is good for your heart.
Researchers from the University of Edinburgh found that a compound called nitric oxide, which helps reduce blood pressure, is automatically released into the blood vessels as soon as sunlight touches the skin. This finding is of significance because it indicates that not only does the sun improve health, it also prolongs life. It’s no wonder Spain is the country with the longest lifespan after Japan!
Blood pressure is a key component of your heart’s health. Reducing blood pressure, as is the case when exposed to sunlight, means cutting the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Spain has got one of the lowest rates of heart attacks in the world.
The sun helps your bones stay strong.
We all know that the sun is a great source of vitamin D. Vitamin D stimulates the absorption of bone-strengthening calcium and phosphorus in the body. Research demonstrates that there is a direct correlation between bone density and vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin formed during the process of Vitamin D, manufactured when sunlight hits the skin. It regulates calcium absorption. Increasing your levels of vitamin D3 through regular exposure to sunlight reduces your risk of fracturing your bones. Living in a sunny country is especially beneficial to the elderly. It help’s them retain stronger bones. Not only is it a lifestyle choice to retire in southern Spain, but it is also a health matter.
The sun helps you have a goodnight sleep.
When sunlight hits our eyes, a message is sent to the pineal gland in the brain and production of melatonin (a hormone that makes us drowsy and helps us sleep) is shut down. The sun sends a clear message to your body that it’s no longer night and this helps to maintain a normal circadian rhythm. When the sun goes away, your body gets told to go to sleep and your pineal gland starts producing melatonin once again. This makes you feel tired and ready to go to bed. Low levels of melatonin production at night due to overproduction during the day has been linked to poor sleep quality. The sun regulates this, making sure you get a good night sleep by pausing the production of melatonin in the daytime, but your body only gets the message when you’re exposed to the sunlight.
The sun keeps your brain ticking happily.
A study led by neurologist David Llewellyn of the University of Cambridge revealed that vitamin D is also beneficial for cognitive function. Regular sunlight can help spur nerve cell growth in the part of the brain that is responsible for forming, organising and storing memories. Scientists are now toying with the idea that sunlight may be a natural remedy for diseases that affect the brain or at least it may slow the degenerative process. And it is a well-known fact that the sun makes you feel good. From a psychological perspective, the sun is a natural upper that can fight depression. It is no wonder we always talk about the “joie de vivre” of the Spanish and how infectious it is when in Spain.
The sun keeps depressions away.
Sunlight deprivation can cause a condition called seasonal affective disorder (SAD). SAD is a form of depression common in the winter months. It is especially common in northern countries where people go without sunlight for an extended period at a time. It is also common in people who work long hours in office buildings and hardly get out for some sun. Sun exposure, increases levels of natural antidepressants in the brain which help relieve mild depression. The sun has this magical power to get the brain to produce more serotonin when exposed to its rays, which is a mood-lifting chemical.
The Sun fights Alzheimer’s.
Clinical research from the Journal of American Medical Association has shown Alzheimer’s patients who are exposed to the sun throughout the day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. followed by darkness at night score better on mental exams and improve some aspects of the disease. They found that patients suffered less depression, nighttime wakefulness, agitation and lost less function than those exposed to dim daytime lighting.
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